The Light Language Activation   Group Workshop  I offer currently includes personal guides communication msgs.

 The course is entirely channelled according to the needs of persons present.

Our exercises on the day include:  multidimensional light language activations, energetic blocks clearings, ancestral communication, etc 

I will channel and translate relevant information as well as the practices needed.  My personal experience with light languages begun with learning from teachers like Jamye Price, JJ Brighton, Carla Macapinlac and others, but it only takes the right time and place to spark another rememberence which is what my workshops offer- A Sacred Safe Space to heal and awake. We will be working with the benevolent light filled energies of Dragon Realms, Sacred Goddesses, Personal Galactic Guides we have known before who come forward with information and activation. As a rule we will clear fears, work on illnesses on different levels and start on activations during this Introductory Workshop.

So, come to just be yourself even more than usually...

We will activate further psychic abilities , thru ancestral healing and remembering our Soul Incarnations. The experience is unique to each person.    

Normally i plan for a 1.5 hr to get done as much as we have time for.

Following this workshop i will have space for personal activations and pressing issues msgs if needed.

The workshops are meditative, releasing and uplifting. We amplify the light with a lot of Galactic support in the Workshop Space.

As i dont spend much time on line, but rather in nature, the workshops constantly have new additions to the program which is always tailored around the energy of participants. I have already met few people astrally who will attend the workshops :) It is an energetic expansion for me to allow this in my day to day ! So as everyone will also experience new things for themselves. As we release old energetics there is exponentially more space for what we trully need and want.

I bow with ever present reverence in beauty of existence in  you.

Intro Light Language and Ancestral Healing Workshop coming near you